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Child Labour


Child labour

“To Act as a Labor in different Hard physically efforts by Children called a Child labor.”

Meaning of Labour: - Work, Manual Work or physically kind or Hard physically efforts

What is the issue?

Lack of Basic needs in families is a signal of Poor family and that basic needs is important to survive on earth. In this Situation, Family set the mind to send their children to work to achieve the basic needs.

The issue of Child labour is still perplex for every nation especially in Developing countries.

It is a Socio-Economic Tension and linked to poverty and illiteracy.

To eradicate a child labour is important objective of humanity and all section of Society is required to make a push in deep.

Only one Single reason comes into the mind for the Child labour that is ‘Poverty’ or ‘Poorness’. But there are some different factors for child laboring.

a.     Insufficient family income

b.    Loan or liability over the family

c.     Death of the head of family member

d.    Disaster and Climate Change

e.     Migration

Child labour cuts children off from school and involve in different kind of child laboring e.g.

1.    Slavery

2.    Child trafficking

3.    Debt bondage

4.    Forced labor

5.    To work in illegal activities

Consequences of Child labour:-

Being a child labour Children suffer from depression and anxiety, or even death. It can lead to slavery and sexual or economic exploitation. 


Initiatives by Indian Government

(Source of data:

Indian Govt. taken first initiatives in 1979 for child labour, Gurupadswamy Committee formed to study the issue of child labour and to suggest measures to tackle the issue. Committee observed that as long as poverty continued, it would be difficult to totally eliminate child labour and hence, any attempt to abolish it through legal recourse would not be practical proposition. The committee recommended that to ban child labour in hazardous areas and to regulate ameliorate the conditions of work in other areas.

After recommendation of committee, the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act was enacted in 1986.

A national policy on child labour formulated in 1987, and focus on rehabilitation of children and adolescent.

The Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Amendment Act 2016 prohibiting the employment of children below 14 years in all employment and also with the provisions for prohibition on employment of adolescents (14-18 Years) in the scheduled hazardous occupations and processes.


By Ajay Kumar








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